my opinion is my own

SQL APIを使用してSnowflakeにSQLを発行する


cd ~/.ssh
openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -out snowflake_tf_snow_key.p8 -nocrypt
openssl rsa -in snowflake_tf_snow_key.p8 -pubout -out




snowsql -a <ACCOUNT名> -u sqlapiuser --private-key-path /Users/jimazato/.ssh/snowflake_tf_snow_key.p8


下記マニュアルにも記載がある通り、リクエスト用の認証情報である JSON Web トークン(JWT)を生成する

Authenticating to the Server for the SQL API — Snowflake Documentation


# To run this on the command line, enter:
#   python3 --account=<account_identifier> --user=<username> --private_key_file_path=<path_to_private_key_file>

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_private_key
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import PublicFormat
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from datetime import timedelta, timezone, datetime
import argparse
import base64
from getpass import getpass
import hashlib
import logging
import sys

# This class relies on the PyJWT module (
import jwt

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from typing import Text
except ImportError:
    logger.debug('# Python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 have incompatible typing modules.', exc_info=True)
    from typing_extensions import Text

ISSUER = "iss"
ISSUE_TIME = "iat"
SUBJECT = "sub"

# If you generated an encrypted private key, implement this method to return
# the passphrase for decrypting your private key. As an example, this function
# prompts the user for the passphrase.
def get_private_key_passphrase():
    return getpass('Passphrase for private key: ')

class JWTGenerator(object):
    Creates and signs a JWT with the specified private key file, username, and account identifier. The JWTGenerator keeps the
    generated token and only regenerates the token if a specified period of time has passed.
    LIFETIME = timedelta(minutes=59)  # The tokens will have a 59 minute lifetime
    RENEWAL_DELTA = timedelta(minutes=54)  # Tokens will be renewed after 54 minutes
    ALGORITHM = "RS256"  # Tokens will be generated using RSA with SHA256

    def __init__(self, account: Text, user: Text, private_key_file_path: Text,
                 lifetime: timedelta = LIFETIME, renewal_delay: timedelta = RENEWAL_DELTA):
        __init__ creates an object that generates JWTs for the specified user, account identifier, and private key.
        :param account: Your Snowflake account identifier. See Note that if you are using the account locator, exclude any region information from the account locator.
        :param user: The Snowflake username.
        :param private_key_file_path: Path to the private key file used for signing the JWTs.
        :param lifetime: The number of minutes (as a timedelta) during which the key will be valid.
        :param renewal_delay: The number of minutes (as a timedelta) from now after which the JWT generator should renew the JWT.
            """Creating JWTGenerator with arguments
            account : %s, user : %s, lifetime : %s, renewal_delay : %s""",
            account, user, lifetime, renewal_delay)

        # Construct the fully qualified name of the user in uppercase.
        self.account = self.prepare_account_name_for_jwt(account)
        self.user = user.upper()
        self.qualified_username = self.account + "." + self.user

        self.lifetime = lifetime
        self.renewal_delay = renewal_delay
        self.private_key_file_path = private_key_file_path
        self.renew_time =
        self.token = None

        # Load the private key from the specified file.
        with open(self.private_key_file_path, 'rb') as pem_in:
            pemlines =
                # Try to access the private key without a passphrase.
                self.private_key = load_pem_private_key(pemlines, None, default_backend())
            except TypeError:
                # If that fails, provide the passphrase returned from get_private_key_passphrase().
                self.private_key = load_pem_private_key(pemlines, get_private_key_passphrase().encode(), default_backend())

    def prepare_account_name_for_jwt(self, raw_account: Text) -> Text:
        Prepare the account identifier for use in the JWT.
        For the JWT, the account identifier must not include the subdomain or any region or cloud provider information.
        :param raw_account: The specified account identifier.
        :return: The account identifier in a form that can be used to generate JWT.
        account = raw_account
        if not '.global' in account:
            # Handle the general case.
            idx = account.find('.')
            if idx > 0:
                account = account[0:idx]
            # Handle the replication case.
            idx = account.find('-')
            if idx > 0:
                account = account[0:idx]
        # Use uppercase for the account identifier.
        return account.upper()

    def get_token(self) -> Text:
        Generates a new JWT. If a JWT has been already been generated earlier, return the previously generated token unless the
        specified renewal time has passed.
        :return: the new token
        now =  # Fetch the current time

        # If the token has expired or doesn't exist, regenerate the token.
        if self.token is None or self.renew_time <= now:
  "Generating a new token because the present time (%s) is later than the renewal time (%s)",
                        now, self.renew_time)
            # Calculate the next time we need to renew the token.
            self.renew_time = now + self.renewal_delay

            # Prepare the fields for the payload.
            # Generate the public key fingerprint for the issuer in the payload.
            public_key_fp = self.calculate_public_key_fingerprint(self.private_key)

            # Create our payload
            payload = {
                # Set the issuer to the fully qualified username concatenated with the public key fingerprint.
                ISSUER: self.qualified_username + '.' + public_key_fp,

                # Set the subject to the fully qualified username.
                SUBJECT: self.qualified_username,

                # Set the issue time to now.
                ISSUE_TIME: now,

                # Set the expiration time, based on the lifetime specified for this object.
                EXPIRE_TIME: now + self.lifetime

            # Regenerate the actual token
            token = jwt.encode(payload, key=self.private_key, algorithm=JWTGenerator.ALGORITHM)
            # If you are using a version of PyJWT prior to 2.0, jwt.encode returns a byte string, rather than a string.
            # If the token is a byte string, convert it to a string.
            if isinstance(token, bytes):
              token = token.decode('utf-8')
            self.token = token
  "Generated a JWT with the following payload: %s", jwt.decode(self.token, key=self.private_key.public_key(), algorithms=[JWTGenerator.ALGORITHM]))

        return self.token

    def calculate_public_key_fingerprint(self, private_key: Text) -> Text:
        Given a private key in PEM format, return the public key fingerprint.
        :param private_key: private key string
        :return: public key fingerprint
        # Get the raw bytes of public key.
        public_key_raw = private_key.public_key().public_bytes(Encoding.DER, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)

        # Get the sha256 hash of the raw bytes.
        sha256hash = hashlib.sha256()

        # Base64-encode the value and prepend the prefix 'SHA256:'.
        public_key_fp = 'SHA256:' + base64.b64encode(sha256hash.digest()).decode('utf-8')"Public key fingerprint is %s", public_key_fp)

        return public_key_fp

def main():
    logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)
    cli_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    cli_parser.add_argument('--account', required=True, help='The account identifier (e.g. "myorganization-myaccount" for "").')
    cli_parser.add_argument('--user', required=True, help='The user name.')
    cli_parser.add_argument('--private_key_file_path', required=True, help='Path to the private key file used for signing the JWT.')
    cli_parser.add_argument('--lifetime', type=int, default=59, help='The number of minutes that the JWT should be valid for.')
    cli_parser.add_argument('--renewal_delay', type=int, default=54, help='The number of minutes before the JWT generator should produce a new JWT.')
    args = cli_parser.parse_args()

    token = JWTGenerator(args.account, args.user, args.private_key_file_path, timedelta(minutes=args.lifetime), timedelta(minutes=args.renewal_delay)).get_token()

if __name__ == "__main__":


python3 --account=<ACCOUNT名> --user=sqlapiuser --private_key_file_path=/Users/jimazato/.ssh/snowflake_tf_snow_key.p8
(base) jimazato@CJ2VQ9Y2M1 sqlapi % python3 --account=<ACCOUNT名> --user=sqlapiuser --private_key_file_path=/Users/jimazato/.ssh/snowflake_tf_snow_key.p8

INFO:__main__:Creating JWTGenerator with arguments
            account : <ACCOUNT名>, user : sqlapiuser, lifetime : 0:59:00, renewal_delay : 0:54:00
INFO:__main__:Generating a new token because the present time (2022-12-28 07:00:24.553334+00:00) is later than the renewal time (2022-12-28 07:00:24.508806+00:00)
INFO:__main__:Public key fingerprint is SHA256:maG2a3wOxVnX0cGmhc5SRmWpRzzK5JuNjUm98JRGa1k=
INFO:__main__:Generated a JWT with the following payload: {'iss': '<ACCOUNT名>.sqlapiuser.SHA256:maG2a3wOxVnX0cGmhc5SRmWpRzzK5JuNjUm98JRGa1k=', 'sub': '<ACCOUNT名>.sqlapiuser', 'iat': 1672210824, 'exp': 1672214364}
eyJ0 (省略) ixwFE-Ww

Curlでリクエスト発行。JWTのところで出力された文字列をAuthorization: Bearerに指定する。

curl -i -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <ここにJWTの値を貼り付けて実行>" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "User-Agent: myApplicationName/1.0" \
    -H "X-Snowflake-Authorization-Token-Type: KEYPAIR_JWT" \
    -d "{\"statement\": \"SELECT CURRENT_REGION()\"}" \


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2022 07:15:28 GMT
Expect-CT: enforce, max-age=3600
Link: </api/v2/statements/01a943f3-0000-a91b-0000-a6f10012c07a?requestId=9c8671e3-9d0a-47a3-998e-9f01472d6435&partition=0>; rel="first",</api/v2/statements/01a943f3-0000-a91b-0000-a6f10012c07a?requestId=a7facb2c-4fc3-4503-9d08-bab3ed427c27&partition=0>; rel="last"
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
Vary: Accept-Encoding, User-Agent
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Country: Japan
X-Frame-Options: deny
X-XSS-Protection: : 1; mode=block
Content-Length: 891
Connection: keep-alive

  "resultSetMetaData" : {
    "numRows" : 1,
    "format" : "jsonv2",
    "partitionInfo" : [ {
      "rowCount" : 1,
      "uncompressedSize" : 29
    } ],
    "rowType" : [ {
      "name" : "CURRENT_REGION()",
      "database" : "",
      "schema" : "",
      "table" : "",
      "byteLength" : 16777216,
      "type" : "text",
      "scale" : null,
      "precision" : null,
      "nullable" : true,
      "collation" : null,
      "length" : 16777216
    } ]
  "data" : [ ["PUBLIC.AWS_AP_NORTHEAST_1"] ],
  "code" : "090001",
  "statementStatusUrl" : "/api/v2/statements/01a943f3-0000-a91b-0000-a6f10012c07a?requestId=10c8547f-3a93-438a-88f1-94788ec3755e",
  "requestId" : "10c8547f-3a93-438a-88f1-94788ec3755e",
  "sqlState" : "00000",
  "statementHandle" : "01a943f3-0000-a91b-0000-a6f10012c07a",
  "message" : "Statement executed successfully.",
  "createdOn" : 1672211728759



